Blender 2.91 Official Release is here!

In case you weren't notified they released the latest version live today!
The livestream is on youtube here

There is also a ~5 minute overview video released by people. They posted it on youtube here as well.
This is the 4th major release of Blender this year and I'm shocked at how much stuff they packed into it.
I'm late to the live stream so I am watching it now. Thank you Blender devs!

Also the home page on shows a face from our beloved CGCookie instructor @theluthier 

(they will be changing it very soon to another cover page but for now it was like that)

Head on over to the website and download it.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Hey that is pretty nifty.

    It reminds me of the curve extract operations on HardOps.

  • sheila5 replied

    mesh to volume 'hologram'

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    It's amazing to see how the "Sculpt Brushes" have been developed since Blender 2.79.

    1) Blender 2.79

    2) Blender 2.80

    3) Blender 2.91

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    Experimenting with "Rigid Body Compound Shapes":

    A circle has been broken into separate objects consisting each of a single edge which have been set up as "Active Rigid Body" objects using "Convex Hull" as "Collision Shape" without any "Collision Margin" . These "Circle Piece Objects" - after having set their "Object Origins" to "Geometry" - have been parented to a "Cube" which has been set up as "Active Rigid Body" object using "Compound Parent" as "Collision Shape" without any "Collision Margin".  The "Circle Piece Objects" now stop exactly at the surface of the "Cone" which has been set up as "Passive Rigid Body" object.

    So, "Compound Parent" in Blender 2.91 works with an arbitrary number of "Children" objects as "Collision Shapes" which are (as their "Parent" object) "Active Rigid Body" objects. Before Blender 2.91 you could only parent an object to one object set up as "Active Rigid Body" object which served as  "Collision object". The "Child" object was no "Rigid Body" object.

    File is here.