Can't render this video?

I tried rendering using the instructions in the video and my instance of blender crashed. I tried any and all variations of the settings altered in the video and every time, my instance of blender crashes and I have no rendered video. Help?

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    I'll give this a try. In the mean time, how would I go about debugging whatever is wrong with my computer? It's not out of date by any means and was / is primarily a gaming PC with smooth VR capabilities. If that is any testament to the power of the computer. I will continue to do research. Any suggestions welcome!

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    Gosh I am just fighting an uphill battle. I went to render it as a PNG , Jpeg, TIFF. Nothing worked. I went to 'Pack all into .blend' and it threw an error stating it couldn't find 1, the font and 2. a file from another project entirely that shouldn't be in this one at all.

    Edit** I was able to get the font file into the .blend.  Here is a new link with the updated file.  never mind that other weird file I guess it doesn't need to be packed if it doesn't need to be associated.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    This what I am using:

    Operating system: Linux-5.4.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-debian-bullseye-sid 64 Bits
    Graphics card: GeForce GT 630/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 390.138

    it's a desktop computer from around 2012, 12 GB RAM

    Can't tell what's wrong with yours...crashes and stop rendering after a few frames suggest that you don't have enough memory.

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    This is still another language to me. Let me know if something is off.

    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz

    Installed RAM    16.0 GB

    System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Should be okay, but what is your GPU? (Eevee renders on GPU, I believe).

    The errors I get when trying to pack external data are your World (HDRI): FirstRocket,  your skull.png (which you should have) and your font:

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    IDK why it needs the first rocket.png that was the low poly rocket exercise?

    My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    I DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT firstRocket.png FILE ON MY COMPUTER . Is this an error that will break the project? How do I get you the font? Do I need to add it to a google drive file to give you that ? I had ZERO issues with this same computer rendering the low poly rocket project when 2.8 first dropped. I need to figure out why this is such a hassle. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Your computer is better than mine ;)

    That first rocket.png is an environment texture (maybe from that rocket course?), but I just use a different one, so no problem there.

    I also filled in your vertex color field in the Vignette and Fog:

    is this your font:

    ? (Downloaded it from some website)

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    Yeah that is it, or close enough to it. lol. I really appreciate all your help! 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Rendering now, still clueless why it won't render on your pc though...

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    I think I am gunna shelf this project and start the next. No sense in getting hung up on something so small. If I have the same troubles on my next piece, I will have to do some deep diving into this machine and figure something out. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Okay, had to start over, did you turn of renderability for the spider????

    Why didn't I notice that?

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    I though I had it hidden from the view but not from the render. Did I have that mixed up?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Yeah, it was completely hidden :)

    Anyway, got it rendered, but the skull.png image still didn't get packed somehow..

    Can you upload that image (skull.png) separately to the cloud and post a link here? Unless you want a pink spider :)

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied
  • spikeyxxx replied

     Forgot to post this image

    When the square is un-checked (Exclude from View Layer) it also removes the renderability..

    Probably still on the left side of the Collection in your version of Blender ;) like this:

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    Gotcha, Thank you for that insight. I did not know that THAT check box excluded it from the render as well. But I see now that it greys out all of the little options, so that makes sense. Its the little nuances that are tripping me up at times LOL.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Seems to be rendering ok now :)

    Don't know why you are having problems rendering, as your computer is way better than mine and you managed to render the low-poly rocket animation, which is a lot harder to render, but at least I can give you a resulting video, hopefully before november 1st, of what you made :)

    Do you know a computer 'expert' anywhere near you?

  • Darrion Hunnicutt(mr_no_face) replied

    The legs don't seem to be moving. Did you have the wigglebones addon ?