
Paolo - The Creepy Pumpkin Final

12 loves

The render times of my pumpkin sculpts made me give up on animating anything substantial and it made me realize it was the perfect opportunity to leverage the power of the render passes I learned on the Fundamentals of Compositing course.

Since it took roughly 6 hours to render these 5 seconds (it would have been longer with my whole scene with lots of pumpkins), when I decided to animate the flicker of the flames instead of going back into 3D to add a noise modifier to the candle lights, I figured I'd try doing the same exact thing but with an exposure node in compositing instead. Luckily I had all the cryptomattes and passes I needed for it. And it worked!

I also used a mist pass to add fog (otherwise too render expensive), and a Z pass to blur slightly more the the glowing particles in the background.

Last, but not least, I flickered some frames with just the plain AO pass because I can't think of anything creepier than that. πŸ˜‚

ps. Paolo is one of the characters of my pumpkin carving project. You can learn his backstory by reading Omar's comment on the main project page.

  • 🀘🏻🀘🏻
  • πŸŽƒπŸ‘
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  • i am just so jealous with ur creativity. lol. keep it up :D.

    • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) author

      It's pretty wild and weird in my head, that's all... Really nothing to be jealous about, trust me πŸ˜…

  • My gosh, Lol. When I saw the project thumbnail in the gallery, I wasn't expecting this. You totally crushed this project. I love, love, love when the background fades to black and the only light source is what's emanating from inside the pumpkin; the still image you captured at that moment reminds me of the band, "Disturbed". This is great work!

    • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) author

      That is so great to hear, thank you Derek!
      Lol... yeah, I think the purply background and the cartoony/clay shaders don't let you see it coming. I'm glad you liked it :)

    • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) author

      Thanks Ewan! I had a ton of fun with these pumpkin projects.

  • You're a chef, bravo!
    (I would have called it: β€œthe pumpkin of death that kills and is super mega scary”. It's a bit long and unclassy, I admit (humor). But it keeps the thing going.)
    (My translator is working again.)

    • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) author

      Thanks Claire! πŸ‘©β€πŸ³
      It was fun cooking these guys! I really gotta work on my naming game. You and Omar leave me to shame πŸ˜…

  • Rule no.2: We didn't want to scare anyone. 😨
    Good job with the animation. I take my hat off.
    Oh and the black and white version could also be a CD cover πŸ˜‚

    • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) author

      Woopsies... I missed that part. Maybe I'll keep this one out of the contest then... A murder scene with cartoony pumpkins should be harmless.
      That's genious! AO Passes are perfect for indie band's covers! πŸ˜‚