After I finished the sci-fi crate, I became interested in hard surface modeling. So I found a tutorial on Gumroad and tried to learn how to make those complex shapes. This sphere looks very complicated, but it's full of fake details. The only part that needs modeling is the two main components. The instructor used cloth simulation to generate the fabric and instances on objects' faces to construct the sphere. Though it's not my original design, the result looks pretty cool. I learned a lot about boolean cut, radial array, and other shortcuts in the Hardops addons.
Very nice results as an exercise! Looks really good!
Love the puffy cube, nicely done! If you managed this without a lot of work, even better! The ability to create something complex without having to burn a bunch of your own time is an invaluable skill. . . and often the procedure for doing so creates something better than purely hand crafting would've done.
Great stuff!
That's the aim of the game, learn lots.
Well done.
The results are cool nonetheless. I like how you placed it in a kind of cutting board background.