Eevee will change the way you use Blender
Eevee is coming this year in the Blender 2.8 update. It offers the full functionality of most rendering engines currently on the market without the burden of extensive render times. In fact, you don’t even need to render -- what you see in the viewport is your final render! This monumental update will significantly speed up the processes of PBR texturing, sculpting, animating, and much more.
Create PBR materials with incredible accuracy
With Eevee, you won’t have to wait for your rendered view to catch up with you after every subtle material change: instead, you’ll be able to preview materials instantly. Procedural textures can be previewed in real time.
Watch your animations as soon as you make them
Because of the great features of Eevee, you won’t need to render out preview animations anymore! Its graphics and performance heavily improve upon the OpenGL system that has been used in the past. Additionally, if you’re working with a client or a team of animators, you can share your progress instantly. This makes progress checks significantly easier and less time consuming.
Create game assets with more ease
Because game engines are real-time engines, working with Eevee allows you to begin optimizing your textures and materials before you export to a game engine: if it works in Eevee, it is a better representation of what it will look like in your game engine. 👍
'Wanderer' by Daniel Bystedt
If You Can Dream It, You Can Build It With Eevee
There is a lot to be excited about. I’ve listed some of my favorite Eevee features below and you can find the full list on Blender’s Eevee Roadmap.
Uber Shaders
Eevee is directly compatible with Blender 2.79’s Principled Shader. You’ll be able to use the Principled Shader in Eevee just as you would in Cycles. In fact, you can render your Cycles project in Eevee with no more than 3 clicks!
Advanced Materials
Eevee currently supports real-time volumetric materials -- an astounding accomplishment this early in the game. Eventually, it will support subsurface scattering and clearcoat materials too!
Filmic Lighting Support
Remember how everyone freaked out about the Filmic color management recently introduced to Blender? Well, Eevee will support it by default!
Post-Processing Effects
Real-time motion blur, bloom, tone mapping, depth of field, and ambient occlusion, temporal anti-aliasing, and screen space reflections are all going to be supported in Eevee’s final release.
Will Eevee replace Cycles?
Short answer: not anytime soon. Real-time engines are great and have many useful features, but the technology currently available can’t quite keep up with the realism that a path-tracing engine can produce. There are plenty of situations in which real-time and path-traced images are indistinguishable, especially with hard-surface models. But when organic, complex dielectric, or transparent objects are thrown into the mix, real-time engines - including Eevee - tend to struggle. However, as computer graphics technology advances it wouldn’t be surprising to see real-time engines gain and excel in these fields.
Cycles Render (left) vs Eevee Render. Model from Ten24
Can you do full renders with Eevee?
Yep! You’ll be able to export whatever you make in Eevee to any media format that Blender offers. This will be great for sharing animation previews with others without having to render.
When does Eevee come out?
Eevee is going to be released in Blender’s 2.8 update coming in 2018. There is no exact release date yet, but it should be sometime from July to October. Until then, you can head over to Blender’s Builder page, scroll to the bottom and download one of the 2.8 experimental builds to test Eevee out early.
How hardware-intensive is Eevee?
Rule of thumb: if your computer can run a 2015-16 AAA video game at medium settings, you’ll be able to run Eevee. For those of you who aren’t gamers, I’d recommend an NVIDIA GeForce 960 / Radeon RX 280 or newer. You’ll be able to get away with a weaker system, but the hardware has to be relatively recent due to Eevee’s DirectX requirements.
Is Eevee going to be integrated into Blender Game Engine?
The BGE team is currently in the process of deciding whether or not they will integrate Eevee into their engine. Just recently at the 2017 Blender Conference, Ton Roosendaal (Chairman, Blender Foundation) mentioned that they were deciding how much, if any, of the Eevee project they were planning on using in the 2.8 BGE update. It is very likely that it will be integrated, but until then, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Where can you keep up to speed on all things Eevee?
It’s still a bit early for official testing, but you can download an experimental build from Blender’s Builder page and toy around with it’s features. Until it’s release, let’s help the developers out by supporting the Blender Foundation and notifying them of bugs and other errors. Keep on Blending!
"Rule of thumb: if your computer can run a 2015-16 AAA video game at medium settings, you’ll be able to run Eevee"
that's a bit obscure and means nothing, practically. re mention of the other cards, does this mean Eevee is GPU-only?
Just tried 2.8 with Eevee on a macbook pro and I don't think that was a good idea. Given the definition of Eevee I expect you will want at least one good graphics card (eg. 1070 or higher?) or better stick to cycles. True?
I don’t have any graphic cards in my laptop. I’m using CPU only. I wonder if Eevee will work.
iindigowarrior9 I've heard that Blender Internal will be removed from 2.8.
Grant. Will Eevee replace the old Blender Internals render engine over time?
I've been looking forward to Eevee since it was first announced. My long-term Blender interests are in the areas of animation and VFX, and render times can be so prohibitive even to the basic learning process for these things if you don't have a high-end machine. And it doesn't seem like graphics card prices will be dropping any time soon. If Eevee can help out by allowing my mid-high-range card to render video clips longer than a few fleeting seconds in length that will be quite a boon.
wow, blender has fairly been pusing out the features of late. this just looks astounding and really nice to have quick render like previews without the fireflies and the wait :)