This is a tileable stone floor texture I sculpted and baked out. It was sculpted with various brushes but I lost a lot of detail by trying to make the bricks more uniform with the smooth brush. Also baking it out to a texture had a slight flattening effect. If I did it over I would probably start by applying a displacement modifier using a noise texture to get a basic variance in surface height and sculpt in details using masking and the layer brush.
You're very welcome! :D because last time I tried to sculpt details and i was like... nahh ill just use displacement, normal, bump and occlusion, it's faster and less time consuming. Glad i helped :D
chocolate-chip you had good advice and I took it to heart. Thanks!
I updated this texture. I rendered out a grayscale map of the pre-sculpted tiles I made with an id-based emissive material such that no tile had the same value as the adjacent tiles and brought that map into Substance Designer and used it as the basis for the material. I learned a lot doing this and I think it looks a little better than before.
Dude this is great but don't ever do this again :O don't ever sculpt details! that is what Normal and Bump mapping is for! You will waste a lot of precious time doing it with a sculpt brush. It looks really nice though!