
r2d2 ready to rumble (fanart) Final

Update: see EEVEE version in 2.8 test build animated I was now finally able to find the time to correct the UV issues that I created for this model while trying to texture an atlas in Substance Painter instead of mesh parts. This messed up the UVs for the body big time. But fortunately SP can reimport a mesh set with different UVs and retexture - so here is the R2D2 rendered in Cycles now. As it is supposed to stack onto the Xwing, I did not rig the legs, but the head is rigged. Waiting for Evee in 2.8 now for taking this into near realtime animation. Maybe the time until release gives me enough room to retexture the pilot and do some of Gleb's cool background sets from the Space VFX :-).
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