
Windmill House Final

22 loves
Hey everybody. So after 3 years I'm extremely happy to present to you a new environment in the world of the Spice Vendor. It was after the glorious collab with this awesome community, that I realized that my simple educational project has transformed into an actual world, and this made me want to expand it and explore more of it's areas. As a token of gratitude, I made a special CGC version, hope you can spot a little guest there. Cheers.
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  • Yet another Fantasy Environment masterpiece by Vadim 😀! Awesome work 👍! And a candidate for the next Collab 😉 ...

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Thank you so much, Ingmar! Whatever be the next collab topic, I'll do my best to participate. It was an awesome experience last time :)

  • It looks like a very inviting place to visit.

  • Absolutely stunning! I just love it and hope I can re-locate there sometime soon 😁 What a couple of wonderful images, thanks for sharing them Vadim! Now I'm off to admire them some more!

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Thank you, Keith! Yeah, I wouldn't mind settling down in one of those houses myself hehe.

  • I thought the first two images were concept art again.

    No, no they weren't. They were full fledged models of a windmill!

    It took a whole CGCookie collaboration to do this last time. You finished this all yourself.

    Really impressive work!

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Haha, thanks a lot, man!
      But, to be fair, I would still call it a concept art, as I only used Blender to make a simple 3d blockout, and then heavily overpainted everything in Photoshop. There's no way I would be able to achieve the result you guys did purely in 3d. Although, I do plan to further explore the 3d production pipeline, so maybe I'll even get to contribute something to the next collab project, if there will be one.

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Jesus Christ that is awesome. You have a masterful way with colors and composition, I'm totally stealing your brain data with the Matrix I know Kung-Fu tech. I can see Melvin doing a cameo, cool.

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Thanks a lot for the kind words, Omar! And happy you've spotted our little yellow friend.
      Honestly, my brain data is so messy, it will crash all your tech. I don't even know how I'm managing to deal with it myself lol.

  • This is amazing! It's hard to believe this is all 3D - especially the background. Is it? It looks like an old school painted Disney background

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Thank you!
      I used 3d for initial block out and base colors, but after that heavily overpainted everything in Photoshop. I'm a concept artist, so pure 3d isn't exactly my specialty. Although I do plan to recreate this scene in UE if I have time. We'll see, how it goes.

  • Adrian

    Awesome harbinger_ua ,
    And for our next collab...
    The Windmill House, the Castle, or...
    an epic collab, Spice World?
    I love your work, such a beautiful peaceful place, with stunning color and amazing artistry.
    A place we all dream was real.

    I look at this piece and find myself wandering along the winding path without a care in the world.
    It fills me with so much joy.
    Staff Picked 🏆

    • Vadim Zaitsev(harbinger_ua) author

      Thank you so much, Adrian!
      I definitely plan on expanding the Spice World further, so there will hopefully be plenty of stuff to choose from.
      On a side note, I'm currently reading the Dune series, so the Spice World brings totally different images to my mind haha.