This is Blenderton. I built this town with my own bare hands, with 100% procedural textures.
Current population of Blenderton is 3 + 1 Melvin.
I sold the town to Wooly Planet Inc. of which Baker is CEO, he then appointed himself as sheriff.
The Wrangler is a good friend of Baker and he became deputy.
Red Nelb spends most of his time in the saloon where he tries to keep warm with a Brandy or 6. He is in desperate need for new woollen wear, but Melvin is on the loose and wool is in short supply.
The Wrangler was on his way to see Red Nelb when he heard the creaking of the gate at UV Corral, he stopped in his tracks and was about to turn and shot at Melvin when he realized he doesn't have a pistol.
Sheriff Baker knows to stay out the way of The Wrangler when he's on the hunt for Melvin.
If your wondering who runs the businesses in town, Red Nelb does, but with only 2 potential customers most days they know where to find him.
Hope you like my little town. It was fun.
I'm making progress through the animation courses here on CG Cookie, so I may revisit Blenderton again one day.
This is great! Love all the details and the story. The lighting really captures the feel of the bright sunlight in the Southwest. Reminds me of living in California. I can almost feel the heat!
I might post another image to show the weathered look 👍
Thanks frikkr ,
I went for a newer look, as it was back in the day.
I did set up the shaders to easily adjust for a more weathered look (worn paint, greyer wood) just in case I changed my mind.
Wow Adrian , great work - I can see that a lot of effort has gone into this.
Rigid body Undertaker really cracks me up!
My only crit is that everything is modelled far too perfect - the buildings would have even more character if they were wonky in my opinion. Both building standards back then , and years of standing would surely mean those buildings and water tower would have some serious - yet quaint crookedness to them I think.
But yes , amazing!
me1958424 , duerer Thank you
@adrian2301 You're really evoking that "High Noon" feeling with this super detailed scene 🤠! Excellent work 👍!
@adrian2301 Cool. Can't wait to see the results.
Thanks euv , I was thinking of animating a dry bush, tumbleweed I think its called, blowing across the scene. And some dust blowing in the wind along the ground. I also wanted to animate The wrangler spin around and fumble for his pistol, But this model is not rigged so I need to get my teeth into those animation cookies.
My jaw dropped. All those buildings seem like a lot of work. Good work, man. I'm impressed.
Are you gonna add sand wind blowing through town and add some rust and dust on the wood I mean houses?