My result from Kent's amazing new course that can be found here :
I wish I had more time to tweak and refine the renders, but I have to call it a day at this. I had a lot of fun making it and learnt a lot about Blender 2.8 from Kent.
michaelmirn Thanks man :) , I appreciate the kind words.
When a student surpasses a tutor. Great work.
frikkr It will be very similar to the one demo'ed, so not fascinating...
otowa Thanks! Good luck finishing yours :) , I look forward to seeing your result.
Fantastic take on this one. I'm still on the process of completing it...
frikkr Thats so true!
ttomaslapes Thanks! I always do my own designs rather than just copy the tutor because I find it much more fun that way and at the end you have your own result. I would encourage anybody to do the same because a good chunk of a project is design and conception which is skipped if you just copy the tutor.
I really like how you didnt just copy what Kent did and created your own chest!
wanderingmonk7 Thankyou Stanley :)