
The Lord of Refuse alias "René le déchet" Work In Progress

6 loves

I'm trying to do an animation with a cool guy. Obviously he's not realistic, since he's just a creature, but I'll give it a try. ;) I'm probably wrong. Which Pilosity should I choose (among others)?

But all opinions are welcome.

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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Wow that looks so good and realistic, love his expression and mean guy demeanor. It has fallen upon my shoulders again to name this fellow. Hence forth The Lord of Refuse shall be referred to by his birth name which is Renee Renaud Refuse.

    • R
      claire pottier(Raoulette) author

      You'll always make me laugh, I agree, but it'll be René without an "e" because that would be a female name and we all know that girls are always nice and boys are naughty (I specify that it's humor whether it's good or not, it doesn't matter) ;) You'll be his uncle for a while, but you'll teach him good will and honor. I'm counting on you, because I've given up.

  • Facial animation is tricky: it may require special software (not to mention some acting skills😉).
    Here are some tools from Blender Market: unfortunately, they’re not cheap (certainly not free).

    • R
      claire pottier(Raoulette) author

      It's nice of you to advise me, but I had thought of this technique (photo attached : it's French-English but I understand myself ;). I don't know if it's suitable.
      I'll keep it simple and do it the old fashioned way, we'll see. Thanks anarchymedes.

    • anarchymedes

      Yes, the shape keys will work: but you’d have to drive them manually, which is a bit of a challenge. Think how often our facial expressions change as we speak: basically, constantly. To manually set it for every third of a second of your animation you must be very, very, very patient: not to mention very good as an animator.😁 The facial mocap software automates that, letting you act it out with your own face: either that, or ask an actor/actress to help.😉

  • He looks very realistic to me though. Can't wait to see the final product.

    • R
      claire pottier(Raoulette) author

      I still have a lot of work to do: his clothes, his velus (which raises questions in my mind: Kent's technique or something else I should use ?) and painting him too. Etc... Thanks for your opinion.