Tja, tjaeh, yeha .... what can i say - all these stuff, kiddies running around in the dark, playing tricks on not so stylish neighbours to extort sweets from them in kg charges- yes, we all did this, my children did this and my grandchildren will do this at hollow night too. It is not always called "Halloween" but this procedures are very similiar. walking around, singing so loud and disharmonious and that only to stop this might be a reason to carry a Euro Pallette full a sweets and cookies outside. Yes Halloween is brutal .
And imagine me in my age singing and frigthening my neighbours -won't work - meanwhile 'im one of these neighbors to be frightened. SO my work is bit different.
This is gruesome!
Hacking off the fins of a poor defenceless shark.
“De-fin-less” shark now. Although its teeth could have produced a nasty bite. The texture work on the boat metal and boards is very dynamic!