This is my first experiment with the Shape Generator and Plating & Greebles plugins by Mark Kingsnorth. No texturing ; very basic HDRI lighting just so things aren't dark.
Views include:
1. Side
2. Top
3. Bottom
4. Front
5. Rear
6. Forward
7. Rearward
8. Upward
Quite nice. I do hope you texture it.
ggravity3434 I actually did go through the model and ensure it's all quads. So, not a bad question. :)
The greebles are technically separate objects laid atop the skin of the base mesh, though they're all included in the same "object". (Done automatically by the program.) I went through and did a lot of tweaking to them, too, because the subsurf modifier tended to round off a lot of details that I didn't think look good that way.
All-in-all, as first run though of the plug-in combo, I'm pretty pleased with the results, but there's still lots of tweaking I'd do before I called it "done".
(It needs an engine, just to start, which I think will be either the two squarish protrusions off the tail, or some sort of projection in the rear "cradle" of the tail section. And then, there's texturing...)
ggravity3434 Sorry, I only just now read your description.
Hey this is really cool and has a great, unique design! I was wondering if all of the details are real geometry, and if so, is it an all quad model? Really great work, I hope to make things like this in the future!