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The snowman I made while taking the course "CORE | Fundamentals of 3D Mesh Modeling in Blender". One of the first renders I’ve ever created. I am a beginner.
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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Cool snowman. Love who you made an entire environment for him to be on. Way to go the extra mile, great composition 🤘🏻

  • Hi Alexander. Nice result and i like the arms of your snowman. The buttons look like a bit out of focus though. Maybe tweak the camera a little bit.

    • Alexander Shevchenko(norannun) author

      Thank you very much! The buttons were indeed out of focus. I fixed it, but it seems the website reduces the quality, so they still look slightly blurry. What do you think about the shadows cast by the nose? I tried adjusting the lighting differently, but I couldn’t quite find the right balance.

    • Gerard van den Brul(gerardjan)

      I see what you mean.
      Do you use light type “spot”? You could try to increase the radius of the spotlight for a more dimmed/diffuse effect or use the light type “area”. I am not sure, but I think I see the lights on the snowman’s torso. Placing the lights a bit higher would eliminate the reflections of the lights themselves to smooth out the effect.
      Enjoy experimenting finding the right balance!

    • Alexander Shevchenko(norannun) author

      I used a Sun with a blue tint for general nighttime lighting and a Spot with warm tones as the main light for the snowman. I also added a couple of Area lights for rim lighting and to brighten dark spots. Thank you for the tips! I’ll keep experimenting—I really enjoy working with lighting. It’s amazing how different lighting can completely change a scene!