
RNG 02: Unacceptable Final

You despicable ball of a slime! I received your package all right. I could hear the postman laughing all the way to the Newman's house. He needed to take a breather halfway through! I don't know what you're playing at, but I'm not going to take it from you. I spent hours - hours! - working on that damn bird of yours and if you don't pay me properly, there are going to be consequences! What on earth were you thinking? Just because your papá runs a pomegrenate orchard, you can trade with those disgusting red lumps of sugar, expecting it to be a fair deal? How do you even eat one of those? Not that it matters. I expect to be paid in full as we'd agreed, or your crow friend ends up in tar, with some lovely goose feathers for ornaments (oh, you bet I still have those). The clock is ticking! ---------- Randomly chosen words of the week: vest, crow, laptop, pomegranate, desk. Second part in a series that might get shorter than I expected. I'll have less time for Blender in the foreseeable future, so I'm probably going to focus on shorter projects that speak to me more than random set of object (although I have to admit I'll miss the stories...) Blog post:
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