
Procedural Lava Texture Final

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This is my take on doing the Procedural Lava Texture in the Fundamentals of Texturing course. My first attempt ended up being just cracks to which I was unable to transition to it completely being lava. My second attempt was more successful in blending the ground and lava together, however it got to complex for and I was lost on what to do trying to add cracks that would form in-between the transition of dirt and lava.

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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    It looks great and even better animated. I say the lava exercise is passed with flying colors. Cool job.

    • Robbie Christie(ROBBERCHIEF) author

      I was thinking last night, I need to figure out a way to better understand masking of textures. Because from the reference images I was using, I wanted to have cracks form around the edges of the the lava where it was being blended in with the dirt texture. I managed to just get them to appear the closer the lava got to showing itself on the texture, however even just getting the cracks to appear, I don't know exactly why it's happening but it was a result of plugging in different inputs on the Map Range nodes. It's just getting way to complex for me and not even all the notes I've written down are helping at this stage. (Bottom two pictures)

    • Robbie Christie(ROBBERCHIEF) author

      I went back to try again over the weekend, managed to get the lava to be in both pools and cracks. However I didn't really have an idea on how to change the dirt material until the end to which it's the ColourRamp and MixRGB node just above the two Bump nodes on the bottom right where the bottom Principled BSDF node is, it just got way to complex.