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Hi friends! Here is my last client commision. A cool squirrel. I don’t know how they named it, but someone suggested me he is Pnut the famous IG squirrel! Yeah, he definitely looks like him! Pnut fur was bit hard to achieve, because I wanted it to be smooth and soft, so I made the strand thinner and increased the number to 3000! After some hours of combing and smoothing I finally got it… I hope! :) Say hi to Pnut!
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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Hello Pnut. That's a great name, which I had come up with it. Don't know why he has a G on the shirt instead of a P. Maybe he is Sir Pnut Groundnut.

    • Mary Fazzolari(maryshan) author

      haha! Hi Omar! I don't know either! It was a request from the client and I decided to leave it there :P