An old, long abandoned upright piano.
Been a good while since I've done a project that was exclusively hard-surface modelling, so this was a fun exercise.
If you want to use this for a personal project, you can download it for free on sketchfab!
bc_griffin Thank you! I think I set the focal length to 80, which is what I usually go for with simple shots like these where I just want to show off the whole model. It does make it look a little flat in this case maybe, not sure.
Cool work, Paul! The camera's focal length seems a bit off. Maybe it's my eyes that's deceiving me but apart from that this is really nice work. Well done.
Love this piano!
I can hear a symphony. Nice one)
Cool work, Paul! The camera's focal length seems a bit off. Maybe it's my eyes that's deceiving me but apart from that this is really nice work. Well done.