Welcome to New Cardboardia, a city built by parents who tried to keep their toddler busy while they were catching a wink. Every piece is carefully put together, spray-painted, and taped or glued if necessary.
This is my entry to the "Cardboard World" Weekly CG Challenge. I had a blast making it - maybe a bit too much. Seriously, a grown ass woman, building a virtual city in a virtual living room from virtual cardboard, and giggling about it like a five-year-old? Where is this world going...
Blog post of the week: https://honestmisskate.blogspot.com/2018/11/new-cardboardia.html
Nice city-building animation.
Love it. This would be right at home in the new Yoshi game: https://youtu.be/sx_C9jJ0AlA
I LOOOVE THIS! You're really killing it!! 😍
Wonderful job! You nailed the materials perfectly!
What a cute little scene! Still so many details, nice shading and lighting. A classic Kate scene! Well done :)
I don't know why, but It reminds to me the city of 'Dogville', the film by Lars von Trier's. I like it.