
Necromancer Final

It's been a while since  I uploaded on CG Cookie 

I know my progress is glacier slow but I enjoy 3d and Blender plays a big part in it.

Necromancer, life started with Blender's Skin Modifier.

After applying the modifier and in the pose, I started in Blender's Sculpt mode and worked on the basic figure in Dyntopo.

I pushed and pulled the meshes until it was done.

Retopology was next and after that unwrapping the entire model.

I hand-painted the model, sculpting and painting are the most enjoyable part for me.

Unwrapping a model is my Achilles heel.

The teeth, the eyes, the table and the base were also done in Blender.

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  • You may not upload often, but this is a pretty spectacular piece.
    The proportions all look good, muscular looks right, and the damage is creepy.

    • e
      easyblend author

      Hello Wardred, thank you. I appreciate your comments. Sculpting and painting are two of my preferred pursuits in 3D.

  • I’ve always admired good sculpting—mostly because that’s one thing that’s completely beyond me but in this case, it’s also original, which makes it more than just an exercise: it’s carrying a message, and that’s what separates art from craft.
    Speaking of which. To me, it’s not really a necromancer himself: more like the result of some necromancer’s efforts. So, I’d call it something like Rage Against The Change, or simply Conservatism: something already dead inside and coming apart at seams but still raging and threatening.😉

    • e
      easyblend author

      Hello Aanarchymedes, I try to sculpt every day. You have a good point. It looks more suited to be one of the necromancer's efforts. I shall have to work on a necromancer. Thank you for your comments.