
myHUMAN: a realistic portrait? Final

Hi there! Well, finally I accomplished the HUMAN course..ufff, it was a fantastic journey! I am a perfectionist therefore will say in advance: Kent mentioned finally 6-8 final fixes/improvements he noted and from my side, I have a list of 50+ items for my portrait, but the first phase is done, and I am done. So if we assume Kent did a production release then I have done not an MVP but a POC ))) I have tons of bugs not completed starting from skin tone, pores, hair structure, and completing lightening mess…as you may notice I tried to hide some imperfections in the lights mixture) This portrait took 2.5 months during work days 1-2 hours at night, while the family slept with the goal to present it for my wife´s birthday 14 of August (that is her portrait) :) - that was the goal of learning! I never drew something or studied/used any graphical tools in my life so this was my first(but not the least) experience in drawing and in CG software as well…
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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Great result, and also cool gift, I bet she'll like it. Mighty accomplishment being your first CG work.