
Moonlit Hut Final

This was my submission for the Astray course. I'm very happy with how it came out, and given that I modeled and textured more things than expected, I wanted to share it!

I learned a lot about blocking out a scene and how to build an environment with the course, and feel a lot more confident about creating new ones in the future.

I was able to use geometry nodes scattering as taught in the course to spread rocks, grass, and the trees in the background on the left, as well as create a fog over the lake as volumetric fog didn't seem to want to cooperate and do what I wanted in this case.

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  • Adrian

    The effort you put into this shows through in the result...
    It's excellent.
    The hut, the trees, the grass, the lights.....
    The only thing is the volumetric fog as you mentioned.
    Congratulations on an excellent result.

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Really great Astray results man. It would be so awesome if you got the fog to work, it would give it that last level of awesomeness. Maybe try and follow the way Kent did it here in this lesson:

    • Mathieu Dugon(mathieudugon) author

      Thanks! I'll check out that lesson - I've had okay results with volumetrics before when it covers the scene but I guess because it was further away it didn't really work with how I was trying it.