
Metal Gear Solid 1 - Solid Snake Work In Progress

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Hey Guys, I know it’s been a while since my last update. I have been occupied for some time, my apologies.

So…here is my latest update on Solid Snake sculpted in Blender. I’m almost done with the upper part of his body and then I’ll continue modeling and sculpting the lower part to finish the character.

I will also be modeling his weapons. What I can’t wait for more than anything else is to start posing this character and prep for 3D printing.

I will be selling 3 different action statues for those who might be interested. Details will follow once the project is close to completion.

NOTE: The hands are base meshes hence the reason they look small compared to his body.

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  • Great work!
    I'm a big fan of Solid Snake and MGS and this looks awesome!!

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Forrest. 😊 🙏

  • You truly are a master in character building Bennie, i'm always blown away by your models!

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you so much, Sebastien for this kind and amazing comment!

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    It is looking great. I've been saying for a while I don't see any Metal Gear fan art, and it was such a great game. Keep on keeping on Bennie, it's going to look awesome once you're finished.

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you so much, Omar. Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly, this was an Epic game back when it was released in 1998. I am such a huge fan hence the reason I am taking my time. I want to squeeze in as much detail as I possibly can to showcase to the world that Blender's sculpting can also produce high end quality results. Thanks again, Omar. 😊 🙏

  • Adrian

    This looking awesome, and its only a WIP.
    Can't wait to see the final, I have no doubt its gonna be Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you so much, Adrian. 😊 🙏

  • I look forward to when I can manage something like this. Great job.

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you, Ang. 😊 🙏 You already have that ability. Your work is amazing. Thanks again.