
Macro Dominoes Work In Progress

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  • 2 loves

Here's what I made for the macro dice course. My subscription lapsed so I can't submit it yet, but I wanted to share it anyways.

I'm not really satisfied with the camera focus change, but it's so hard to know it's going to look until it all renders. I think that must come with practice (and maybe watching the directing the camera fundamentals... haven't made it to that yet)

Edit: Changing this to work in progress because I forgot to add the motion blur 🤦‍♀️

  • 😍
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  • Adrian

    Very nice work!
    With the camera focus, there are a few things you could try...
    Here is a couple of suggestions...

    One option is keep a foreground domino in focus, adding a little camera movement, so the hero domino (in focus) is on the left of the frame and ends (as it topples) centre frame.
    Changing the camera angle, moving the camera up a little. Looking over the top of the closest domino's rather than through. It looks like you used a focus object (empty), try adding a 'Track To' object constraint to the camera with the same empty as the target.
    This may work better if the line of dominoes falls toward the camera.

    I can definitely recommend the Directing the Camera course.

    Glad you decided to make it 'Work in Progress', you have an excellent start to a cool project.

  • Looks great, very realistic but the animation lets it down. Mostly notably the dominos in the background. They just don’t fall quite right, they don’t feel independent enough. Almost like they are all on a string.

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    It is so good man. Yeah the camera shift in focus is a little bit awkward, but you got time before you renew your subscription to get it the way you want it if you want to tweak it to perfection.