
Low Poly Camping Final

Trying my hand at low poly. The fire was my focus, hopefully that was obvious.

**Update** fog and background

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  • Nice! Well done on the fire.
    I agree with other comments on the lighting and emphasis.
    My other problem is with your dirt. Out side of the circle it's way too random and yet you can see the squares very clearly because of the differences of color. Sometimes, triangulating faces will give you better results for terrain in low poly.
    And maybe avoid this very perfect circle shape. It looks way too smooth and is fighting in terms of style with the low poly aspect.
    Looking forward for more low poly work from you, I'm kinda into it...

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Good work Spencer.
    I think you could improve the overall mood with a different approach on the lighting. The background can be darker, less light overall so it's more nigh like and focus the depth of field to your fire so the background gets out of focus, that way the background doesn't have as much attention as the things on the foreground and your fire gets more protagonism. Also not a big deal but there's a bit of intersection going on, the branch of the tree without leaves in the middle is going through the green geometry.

  • Adrian

    Nice low poly work!
    The focus for me though is the small hut.
    My eye initially starts at the fire, but with the line of trees and the stones along the path, its drawn towards the hut.
    And using the rule of thirds, the door to the hut is perfectly placed to take the focus.
    Front and centre is not always the focal point.

  • Looks great. That fire is pretty. Every time I low poly I ruin it with detailed textures. LOL - Really great job.