
Louzinho - Badalou Final

9 loves

Hey everyone! How are you?

Meet Louzinho!!! 😄🎁

The new mascot of @badalounafesta! Here I show you the final images and a little bit of his production process in the making-of video.

From the first 2D concept art sketches to the final poses with post-production in 3D, all accompanied by an original and fun song.

Isn't Louzinho cute?! We're in love with him here and we hope you like him too!

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  • So adorable! Little Lou!
    Really liked the superhero robe detail.
    Fun so see the prossess as well:)

  • Nossa! Incrivel Wesley! Eu não esperava o video do processo tão detalhado, ainda mais com musica personalizada!
    Fofissimo o Louzinho :)
    Me lembrou que tenho que aprender a integrar shape keys no meu processo com personagens tambem.

    • Wesley Sales(WesleySales3d) author

      Brigadão Nathi! Fico feliz que tenha gostado! 😀
      Aprende mesmo, facilita bastante em correções nas poses e pra fazer as expressões, é muito fácil.
      Sucesso na sua jornada!

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Louzinho is lovely. I bet it's Lou for short. And cool production breakdown peek video as well 🤙🏼

    • Wesley Sales(WesleySales3d) author

      Thank you very much Omar!
      Yes, Louzinho is the diminutive of Lou. In English it would be: "Little Lou".