Learning scatter a bit more and use of heavy fog and mist pass.
Inspiration from: The Forest by M Yoshimura
Models used from Sketchfab:
Thats so good OMG!
well done
duerer done! I just saved a forest!
benkroft Thanks for your answer! I very much like your forest scene and the removal of the artifacts should be an easy fix. Your 3D portfolio is really impressive 😀👍! I'm looking forward to your next project 😀!
slenaerts Maybe you could play a rain song 😉😁?!
duerer it is not intended, it is displayed on cgcookie in like double of the renderresolution and way to zoomed in. And probably i habe overused the sharpen filter a bit too much. Dont think its a compression thing. For comparison check: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VgwW5n
Maybe I'm the cause of despair
duerer you assume I'm a great guitarist there 😅😅😅
slenaerts I rather thought at the outbreak of a forest fire when looking at the (in my view) scared animals. You probably don't want to be there with your guitar 😉😁
benkroft Excellent scene composition😀👍! Just one question: There's some kind of graininess that looks to me like a compression pattern. Is this intended?
Love it Tobias! If you need someone to play the camp fire guitar, I'll be there! Beautiful scene! Great work!