
Ghost Face Work In Progress

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  • 4 loves

Hey CG Community,

It's been a while since last I posted anything here on CG Cookie. Kindly note that not all objects in this scene are included nor is its current state considered final. These are just some early stages of render testing to illustrate the aesthetic I had in mind for this belated Halloween project.

Texturing unfortunately is not one of my strongholds but a skill in the making for sure however I believe the project is quite decent thus far. Not picture-perfect but at least the character is showing some resemblance which is good enough for me.

Thinking about applying a wet texture map to the asphalt surface to indicate some weather conditions and perhaps a subtle amount of fog. Will be simulating blood effects and water splashes via the fluid sim. Hope you like it.

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  • I’m not a Scream fan and am yet to see a ghost (🤣), but I do have a soft spot for the edged weapons, both real and 3D, and the knife looks really cool.😁

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Bennie killing it as always, this time maybe literally. It's awesome how you can feel the speed in his pose. I can't say it enough, love your style, keep making more stuff and rock on 🤙

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      Thank you so much, Omar. Your great sense of humor and intellectual feedback is most appreciated. Means a lot, Omar.

  • Bennie, this is awesome!! You should 3D print this!! Would make a wicked collectible.

    • Bennie Griffin(bc_griffin) author

      That is very kind of you, thank you, Danny. Love your latest project. Keep it up man, you're a great artist.