
Fundamentals of Animation in Blender course work Final

Here are all the animations I made while working on the fundamentals of animation course!

I tried doing all the exercises a minimum of twice, first by following the teacher and then doing a similar animation on my own. I figured that this would be the best way to approach learning, as it test me by making me use the information I just learned and repetition is the best way to learn.

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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Excellent exercise reel. Great animations. You're spot on with that approach on doing the exercises. I do that as well with watching the tutorials. I watch it one time as if it was a movie, then the second time I follow along with the teacher hands on in Blender.

    • J
      Jesse Aalto(JJAalto) author

      Thank you Omar!

      That might actually be an even better way to practise.

      Just watching the video-> Watching an repeating what the teacher does -> Applying the information and doing something similar to the teacher on my own might be the best approach.