I have been asked by a young authoress to collaborate with her on the illustrations of her first book!!! So I thought I'd better practice fairy tale environments...
I think you should change you profile on someone who started a couple of years ago and hope to get better. After looking at you work here and on your website you are truly a great artist. This piece of is aspiring and hopefully in time I can put that finishing quality to my work that you clearly have shown. I like your stlyle of work and will continue to follow and hopefully improve my own.
I think you should change you profile on someone who started a couple of years ago and hope to get better. After looking at you work here and on your website you are truly a great artist. This piece of is aspiring and hopefully in time I can put that finishing quality to my work that you clearly have shown. I like your stlyle of work and will continue to follow and hopefully improve my own.
It's amazing having you create it for others to like :) ;D
Wow! Thank you so much!!!!
I'm so happy! I liked it but it's amazing having others like it too!
Really? I'm so pleased. Sorry I took so long to reply :( I've been sick...
Awesome work! Sharing this out on CG Cookie's Twitter
:O <3
need I say anything else ? ;D
Looks great! Think you have the fairy tale style down!! Can't wait to see more.