
Espresso maker Final

My first "own" project. Inspired by the resolution to quit coffee this year :) I've used a lot of what I learned from the "Row of Postboxes" project here on CGC, but run into a problem when adding non-metallic "sticker" to overall metallic material...If I'm correct, the sticker is being treated as metallic and ,thus, very reflective, so much so that it's pretty much invisible; and I don't know how to separate it out (if anyone has a solution they're willing to share - great!) Any other critiques: please share! Thanks
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  • looking forward to see the result and see how it helped. Hey that's why we grade each other here to see if we can help

  • sasham author

    Thank you so much!..For some some reason it didn't even occur to me to add that sticker after the metallic shader / just before the output (in hindsight - the most obvious thing ever). The doughnuts are from BlenderGuru (here, just for composition); the espresso maker is my own; materials / grunge are from CGCookie "Mail Boxes" course (where the idea came from)

  • I'm not sure how you went on to put the sticker. I'm guessing it is some image texture that gives you the color of the shader at the moment. what you should do is between the metal shader and the output node put a mix shader and in the factor put the same image( I'm guessing is just a black and white image but if not use that) with a color ramp to control the mixing, then in the other shocket put something like a mix of black diffuse and white glossy with almost 0 roughness so it will look more like a sticker. I hope it helped, is this bases on the blenderguru tutorials?