
Enviroment with rain Final

Everything in this scene is made by me, models, textures, the rain, the neons. I have used everithing i have learn this year to make it as good as i could while im getting confortable with blender 3.0
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  • wardred thanks for the feedback, I am looking at what you said and its true it seems like meltin in the image, now you ive me some idea of some proyect hahaha

  • .
    Very nice work.
    Looks like your learning this year has been fruitful.

  • This is nicely done.

    The only comment I'd make, and it's not a criticism, just an observation. . . when I saw the still of the sign it looked like it was melting, which I thought was an awesome effect.

    From the YouTube video I can see that it's actually rain. The exaggerated lighting on the rain looks cool to me, but if you're going for realism the raindrops seem a bit long and the neon probably wouldn't illuminate them so far out.

    Still, really nice job overall. I like the different letters flickering on and off in the video, and the lighting on the sign itself looks right for Neon, which is surprisingly tricky to get right.