I followed the amazing and funny Cartoon Advanced Eye Rig tutorial by Chris McFall- it really does produce an amazing eye, but I ran into a problem that I don't have the skill to fix on my own. Having made the eye, and set up all the constraints I want to be able to use it in multiple projects, which will require their own scale/size eyeball - however once finished you can't re-size the overall scale of the eyeball??? Does anyone know how to do this please???
Actually Chris answered the scale problem in his second video Attaching the Eye Rig to your Main Rig! His solution is far better than mine and doesn't break the rig!!!
I think I may have answered my own question... I found that if you turn off the lattice modifier (don't delete just turn off) and any scale restraints, unlock the all the eye scales - then select everything and scale to the size you need. Having re-scaled you will need to adjust a few things to the new scale. Some of the restraints max/min will need to be adjusted and you might need to double check that the dilation/constriction driver is still functioning correctly (if not you might have to re-do the driver, but it takes less time that completely remaking the eye!) Overall I found this works and you can use your eye over and over again!