
Brownies Work In Progress

This is a concept I have entertained for years; sometimes as a comic, sometimes as a full 3d dream game - something like Mount and Blade but with squirrels that can scramble around tree trunks and hop through canopies. Lately I've been thinking it could be an entertaining skin for a tower defense game, when and if I run through that tutorial.
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  • Looks interesting! Love the crazy perspective with the top of the tree to the bottom ^^

  • I love the amount of texture you have throughout these, especially in the trees and the animals. I can definitely see a sense of structure forming throughout all of these, which is great. The more the more foundational structure you have, the better your idea/message can come through. I feel like you could benefit from incorporating more of a variety of line weight throughout the illustrations just to give them a greater depth while using minimal color. In any case, keep up the great work!