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Okay! So, it's been a little while since my last render.

I took it down to the most basic form and worked out a way to easily make cliffs that isn't too time consuming, yet yields pretty good results. I started with stacking hexagons randomly on top of each other, I even clustered them inside of each other to try to simulated a cliff-like structure, but it just required too much extra time adding detail, like cracks and erosion.

Then I realized I could just buy some assets of modular cliff assets and put those together, merge them, and then just put the rocky material on them. It still took some time to get the stone pillars and cliffs to look right, but not nearly as much as before!

Funny enough, I was about half way done with this when I decided to be brave and START FROM SCRATCH. The first attempt at this piece was just not looking right.

When I was back home visiting a friend, she told me that she restarts a lot of her drawings now if it's just not looking right, in an effort to learn from the mistakes she's made and capitalize on them in the next attempt. Her improvement was night and day! It was inspiring to hear. So.. I took the leap, and ugh.. god that sucked haha! But, worth it!

It allowed me to see where I messed up in my pipeline. Where I waste time and how chaotic my process was. There was no structure! Eventually, I mustered the patience to take things in steps, rather than jump around from modeling, post-work, materials.. back and forth.. yada yada yada lol

In the end of it all, I'm determined to build more structure in how I work on art from here on out, and if the result is just not looking right.. start from scratch.. lol I know, ouch! 

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  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Gorgeous environment, Brandon! The sense of scale and detail level is well-executed 👏

    I'm going to send an email (to the addy associated with your account) about being included in the 2023 CGC Student Reel 👀

    • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) author

      Thank you so much man! Scale and detail were certainly a struggle for this one. Glad you like it!

      Sure thing! Ah man, that's too exciting! I just replied to the email a little bit ago.

  • I don't think I've ever attempted a scene with such a spanning vista. Simply WOW.

    My favorite thing about this is that you clearly know your composition I'd say.
    I love how everything slopes and leads the eye to the contrasting air balloon that stands out, and the whole scene seems to be drawing the eye to it.

    Great idea with your signature in the corner too. This is fine art. :)

    • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) author

      You know what, you and me both! haha! Ah man, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate that.

      Oh dude, when I was working out the placement of that balloon, everything just sort of clicked at that moment when I moved it in between everything. It was an "ah ha!" moment for sure.

      Thanks again for the lovely comment.

  • This is a great composition. Everything goes together and compliments the other elements of your render. Nicely done!

  • I am in love with those clouds and the hills in the distance, talk about pulling you in

    • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) author

      Ahhh man, I'm so glad to hear it. It's my first time making hills in the distance look right too lol

  • Adrian

    This is EPIC!
    The proportions and sense of scale is outstanding.
    A really awesome scene.
    Staff Picked 🏆

    • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) author

      Thank you so much, Adrian, it means a lot! That was one of the main reasons my first attempt looked so unnatural. Really appreciate it.

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Yeap, that's exactly how you get better. It's a grind but it's worth it. The result is great, awesome landscape render. I love how you can feel the vastness and the atmospherics when you look far away in the distance. The hot air balloon was the perfect touch. Two thumbs up 👍👍

    • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) author

      Ah, thanks man. That's really encouraging to hear, and yeah, you're so right about it being worth it. I'm so glad you like it! Haha that balloon really does add a whole lot to it for sure! The simplicity of the stripes rather than a rainbow-type pattern really keeps things balanced as well. I'll be posting more works in progress in the next day to show the first attempt.

      The render looks kind of blurry here despite being sharp on my computer. Not sure what that's all about. Hmmm