
An Attempt of Caricaturing Everything Final

A practice sheet with caricatures sketches made after watching Sycra’s youtube tutorial “How to Caricature Everything.” According to Sycra, you can caricature anything but, you have to compare something to something else. I used photo references and choose a modest approach to caricature things and, stay within realism. Some things I notice while doing these caricatures: Objects of Industrial Design – If you preserve the functionality of the object while caricaturing it, you end up with a new industrial design. Landscapes, Environment – I realized, artists used this caricaturing process all the time to provoke emotions or to suit their needs and, you don’t even notice it. Organic Forms– This is hard. How to caricature rocks or leaves and apples of the same tree? Here, nature beats us. You have to stretch to the extreme, use disproportion of parts or humanized the forms. A squarish apple with legs maybe? Animal Kingdom – Here, you have to have a lot of practice, experience and good judgment to play with the proportions and stay within realism if, you don’t want your caricatures designs look too cartoony, humanized or iconic and oversimplified. Humans – People’s eyes are very keen and sensitive to every little distortion or disproportion of the human form. Even to human’s wearing and clothes. So caricaturing humans seems easy but, good caricaturing is an art and a trade. Made With Mischief
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  • digitd author

    Thank you. Please do your own sheet of caricatures drawings and post it here. I would love to see others’ minds creative solutions for this exercise.

  • digitd author

    Yes, this Sycra’s video is brilliant. I feel I only touch the tip of the iceberg with this practice. Too much food for the brain. I encourage others also to make a practice sheet with caricatures drawings and post it here. I would love to see this subject to be in one of Tim Von Rueden’s livestreams and/or as a subject to a weekly exercise. Thank you for your comments and for notice my work.

  • Great practice! I could figuratively take a page from your book! (and should, I think) :)

  • I saw the Syccra video. These are bloody brilliant. I like the way you "paneled" each thumbnail.