
3d Alphabet Work In Progress

8 loves

Series of 26 renders, one for each letter of the alphabet. The goal of this project is to learn new things and to geat better at this I already know.

This is basically a record of my journey in Blender, started this year!

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  • This hits on several of my special interests; I'm in love with this project

    • tatasarts author

      uuuuhhh, what special interests? If I can ask c:

    • tatasarts author

      Also thank you ahhahah

    • comn

      Main interests for me that you've tapped here is the mix of Blender and educational material; another interest is just "series of connected images". Aside from that, I am simply fond of a lot of elements in these images: crystals in a cave, furry fuzziness, ridiculously adorable little computer and all the framed stuff on the wall behind it, the balloons? how are they so iridescent looking? love it, space, spooky forest, little white fuzzballs with big eyes, and lovely color choices

    • tatasarts author

      Yeah, I REALLY love playing with these kind of color because vaporwave is one of my main interest, so I like to make everyone know with my color choices and the overall vibes hahah
      also the little fuzzballs are so cute, I was screaming inside from the overload of cuteness ahahah

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Man that is cool, I think the F is my favorite one. I'm also looking forward to the next letters.

    • tatasarts author

      thank you, really! Yeah, F is my favourite too, cause the lighting is so soft and you can clearly see that the pillow is on a bed with a warm lamp in a cool night!

  • That's a cool idea and so far well executed. Looking forward to the next letters. Learning the alphabet again in a new way :D

    • tatasarts author

      aaaah, thank you! Yeah, definitely learning the alphabet in a new way! ahahahha