The CG Cookie Crew is proud to present our tower defense game, PORTALETHIUM! Gridlocked at the intersection of two worlds, you - the valiant forces of blue - must protect your portal against the evil forces of orange.Â
To save your portal is to save your planet!
 One Game, Two Purposes
We built PORTALETHIUM to be played.
Please play it and enjoy it! It’s an endless-style game that we hope will supply you with hours of beat-your-high-score incentive.The Goal?  Simple. You’re on the defense. Prevent enemies from making it to your portal for as long as you possible can.How?  This part is simple in concept but tricky to perfect.Â
You have an arsenal of 3 TURRETS to ward off your enemy:
Canon : As a base turret, this weapon fires a slow-but-steady round at short-range enemies. It may not seem like much, but it can save your bacon when you don’t have many credits to spend.
Gatling : This weapon has a bigger range than the canon and a higher rate of fire. But those enhancements come at a higher cost of your credits.
Missile Launcher : She’s the most expensive turret with the biggest range and firepower. But the catch is she only fires flying drones, not land enemies. Â
3 different enemy types are constantly making a break for your portal:
Moto: These two-wheeled blue buggers are your fastest enemy. Yet they are also your weakest foe. You'll have to act quickly to take down them down, but you won't need much firepower to do so.
Tank: These green juggernauts are the slowest of the enemy hoard. But what they lack in speed they make up for in armor. You'll need plenty of time, cannons, and gatlings to ward off tanks.
Drone: What's that in the sky? It's a bird it's a plane it's a...cliché example! The purple drones are the only airborne enemy and thus can only be engaged by your missile launchers. It can be easy to forget to look in the sky but, for the love of your home planet, don't! Lest the drones quietly rob you of victory.
We also built PORTALETHIUM to teach.
We thought it would be really cool to build a fully playable game and then turn around and teach how to make it! The “Creating a Tower Defense Game” Learning Flow will teach you how to build your own game from the ground up.
- Building assets with Blender : Game assets don’t grow on trees. Someone has to build them. Why not you?! In this 20-lesson course I will teach you all the ins-and-outs of modeling and texturing modular assets for exporting to Unity.
- Level design in Unity : In this course, Jonathan Lampel gives a crash course in using your modular Blender assets to build a playable level inside Unity.
- Game development with Unity : Finally, Jonathan Gonzalez takes all the ingredients of this tower defense recipe and turns it into a playable game!
All 3 courses are available in the "Creating a Tower Defense Game" Learning Flow. Check it out HERE!
All said and done, this has been a huge team effort to make Portalethium a fun, educational reality. We’re talking 1 fully-playable game, 1 Learning Flow, 3 courses, 56 video lessons. It’s a big experience and we're eager for you to be a part of it!
That's great to hear, fellow Jonathan! We definitely plan on having bigger flows like this added in. Anything in particular you'd like to see made?
It's possible the range is also effecting it. The laser based weapons don't have as high of a range as compared to something like the missile launcher. It also requires line of sight to fire. I'll be tweaking this further to find the optimal range. Thanks for the input, and awesome on getting to level 93.
Sorry about that, we're looking at adding some more info regarding what each tower does. The laser based weapons need line of sight of the enemy in order to shoot and the range isn't long so it's possibly they are not within range of shooting.
Some of the audio was taken from the old tower defense course and it may have also been used in the space course, although most of it was sourced from freesound.org.
Nice job!
93, but I think that there is a torrent location that may not be working, or it appears it doesn't work.
After I get all the buildings--the flow (after the first ramp down) goes up the ramp, circles around, then goes down the ramp. That torrent (northwest) right after the ramp downward appears to not be firing; however, it could be an animation defect too. Not entirely sure, sorry.
Very cool.
He he, I got a Creative Media Sustainability Business in mind with all this knowledge and training you guys offer. This game and the flows involved are going to make it a reality. All the modern developments in technology are really fascinating. I may be able to pull this business idea off with a max of 150 people or less for my future small business. I am so happy to have come across CGCookie!
Level 68! :)
Looks good! Fun game. One thing I would like to point out is the odd missile tower behavior: missile tower on one side of the map faces the proper enemy, but when it fires, it's missile veers off to another missile tower's target across the map - hardly in range of it's sensor let alone useful when attempting to defend my planet :)