A new year, a new season ❄️
As a follow-up to the Stylized Forest Course, in this stream we're going to transform the autumn forest into winter one. It's a fun exercise modifying existing assets to completely transform the seasonal context of our forest environment.
We will be ditching the grass for snow, shifting from a vibrant rainbow coloration for primarily white and blue, and exploring procedural methods for adding snow to existing materials. Don't forget to check out the preceding course if you haven't seen it already!
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Because I've been learning to cook for over a year now and I can make all sorts of stuff lately
Oh yeah! I'm glad you mentioned that. As Lampel and I progress through assembly animation I noticed that your interior parts have a little more left to do. IF you've got the bandwidth to finish them in the next couple weeks that'd be spectacular
There were two guys in the kitchen right now pouring a cup of coffee and they spilled it all and I was like dudes come on, really? and they were like get out of here man, you can't even make a cup of coffee and I didn't say anything and that felt sooo good
And then there are many new courses here to do
Still want to finish my DOG parts,even if it's too late to incorporate them
I feel bad for being unproductive, but I plan to change tzhat! My tt-do list is massive ;)
You have any Blender projects planned for 2021?
Happy New Year Spikey! I too grew Blender lazy over the holidays. Though that's what holidays are for right? Unplugging for a bit
Hi all! Happy New Year:)
I've been Blender-lazy lately... time to change that;)