This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Eevee is the cutting-edge realtime render engine that ushers in the modern PBR standard to Blender. The results are stunning and it's an absolute blast to work so interactively.
This weeks material concepts are are car paint, reflectivity, fresnel, leather and metal along with HDRI lighting.
And put some reflection probes for better quality
Omar it does but you need to turn on Screenspace Reflections
QUESTION: In EEVEE, if you put a big reflective cube beside the car, those it reflect the car? or do you need to use some of those weird widgets?
Rita it's worth it - I'm already a very big 2.8 fan, even in its incomplete state.
That 2.8 interface will take a while for me to get used to it.
if you want an effect like thos sparkles lesser visible you decrease the black value more to gray then ? another one if you want them more offset to each other is that possible or not ?
well there are other similar options, thye working on those to calibrate camera sensors I think
Or copyright or whatever it was.
It's also trademarked by an artist.