• Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Hello William and Ryan

  • William Miller(williamatics)

    Hello! What did I miss?

  • z
    Zach Zellman(zachzellman)

    Like the General Insurance commercials? ahaha

  • Piotr Brzostyński(brzostek)

    QUESTION to Wayne: But do you rig it or is it his job?

  • Ryan Brewer(stonewing)

    woot! forgot this thing started at 5pm cst. I'm not at work! lol

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    QUESTION: I always get nervous when a project presents itself, does that ever go away?

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    That works Kent

  • z
    Zach Zellman(zachzellman)

    QUESTION: would you say most freelance jobs come from people finding your work? Or you going and looking?

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    Kent can you bump up your audio a bit?

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    Evening to you too Vincent

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It takes a lot of time and practice to develop 3D/Blender skills. Often seasoned Blender artists find themselves asking:

"I wonder if I can use these skills professionally?"

The answer is YES, you absolutely can. But the how? That's usually a mystery to those asking the question.

Kent Trammell, Jonathan Lampel, and Wayne Dixon are here to discuss how to freelance as Blender artists. Drawing from years of experience, they'll discuss their own journeys from amateur to freelancing professional with tips and tricks along the way.
