Eevee, and real-time rendering in general, is a fantastically quick way to render many types of things. That speed, however, comes at a cost. In this livestream we will explore just what exactly EEVEE can and can't do, dive into the difference between path tracing and rasterization, and learn how to choose the right render engine before you even start your project.
can you CC me on that request too?
I'd behave extra good during the year just so I can get 3 GTX 1080
Man if only Santa was real, guess what Id ask for Christmas
Thanks dude
I'm excited for ya. If you ever need any extra GPU's working for you let me know. I can render stuff while I'm out to work.
That's why I'm trying to do the Canada thing
This thing of having a regular job and doing 3D on the side is hard
Still working on it, I wish I had the whole day to work in it
Hey EEVEE, look up the Pest Vargas movie
Hows the reel coming along?