Eevee, and real-time rendering in general, is a fantastically quick way to render many types of things. That speed, however, comes at a cost. In this livestream we will explore just what exactly EEVEE can and can't do, dive into the difference between path tracing and rasterization, and learn how to choose the right render engine before you even start your project.
Paddy Day is coming up soon. Hope you will all be ready then.
Omar, if you were in my country, we could never get you out of pubs. LOTS and LOTS of them here.
I hope EEVEE can do straight lines
Omar, I hope you can walk on a straight line.
Bye all, don't forget to also turn off all the EEVEE lights!
*Drink falls of hand, doesn't notice, keeps waling*
Omar, are you drinking?
Bye 👋🏻
Bye, Miranda.