You know that cute little plane from the Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling course? Gonzo asked recently if we ever textured it, since he wanted to explore using it for a game project. No we have not.
Until now! This model makes a great subject to explore Blender 2.8's texturing tools, how they differ from 2.7x, and how they integrate with Eevee. It will be fun. Don't miss it.
NOTE: You can download the finished textured plane with the cloud icon to the right of the title.
Start with teaching your parents and see
Let me know, Aaron 🤙
My parents sometimes look at me working and I explain what I'm doing as I go along and they seem to understand. Maybe teaching 3D is in my future?
or just give them a cookie, hopefully they will go there by instinct
yeah Phil! 🧡
oh....I just give them a card with on it :D
Oh, can't say I've done that, but my Father works with computers a fair amount so I imagine I could show him a thing or two.
Oh that. I'm still only so-so at it. Pretttty tricky to teach ;P
Open the material editor and trying to explain what nodes do
Texturing is definitely one of my most weak aspects, mostly because it calls to the 2D artist in me, which is like a newborn in comparison to my 3D self. Praying I learn some really good stuff here.