You know that cute little plane from the Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling course? Gonzo asked recently if we ever textured it, since he wanted to explore using it for a game project. No we have not.
Until now! This model makes a great subject to explore Blender 2.8's texturing tools, how they differ from 2.7x, and how they integrate with Eevee. It will be fun. Don't miss it.
NOTE: You can download the finished textured plane with the cloud icon to the right of the title.
i know its for performance sake, i just forget heh
thats one that gets me, in that Eevee has nearly all of it turned off to speed it up, and i keep forgeting to switch things on
lol, Jake
lol, bow to Kent's knowledge of materials!
Kent is the Master of all materials!
Don't trust AI, Omar.
Control stick I suppose?
No, don't trust computers Kent, watch the Terminator movies