I did this exercise once before (the pink-ish image below) and I have the itch do another! The idea is to learn more about appealing lighting through imitation. As artists, we all [should] have an inspiration folder of other artists and artwork that we look up to. So this exercise is about picking an image with impressive lighitng, analyze it, and recreate it.
Many members of the CGC Blender Community have participated in the challenge thread about the same topic. Take a look at the examples there and join us for the stream!
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Mmmmm I don't know. I think some things are better left un-remaked. Imagine if they would remake Chaplin's movies. :O
The remake will be like The Jungle Book one from the other day, full CGI, it should be interesting. Jungle Book looked amazing
Do check it, maybe it'll get you hooked as well
I've not heard that STP song before. Will have to check it out
I've heard the remake rumors...kinda lame
So today's song I can't get out of my head is Stone Temple Pilot's Trippin on a Hole In A Paper Heart
Is there really gonna be a remake? ugh
I'd say yes to the unofficial slogan for light match streams
You can wait for the remake hollywood is making
I think I only saw parts of it when I was in highschool. And can't remember a thing.