• Omar Domenech(dostovel)


  • Michal Zisman(michalzisman)

    Confession time: Never seen a Star Wars movie. Nor will I ever watch any of those movies :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Maybe problem with movies is the live actors, imagine remaking the original Star Wars, there's no way in my mind Luke should be other than Mark Hamil

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Yes, just because of the graphics variable, movies don't have much of that problem

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Remakes of games is perhaps a little different. Haven't thought as much about that

  • Michal Zisman(michalzisman)


  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Well, some re-makes might be bad, other should be good... like Shadow of the Colossus, they updated the graphics, looks great. Also Final Fantasy 7

  • Matt Dickun(az93)

    I feel the same way Kent.

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    It's hard to see them as anything other than money-making efforts. The live action beauty and the beast made me nauseous

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    It's ironic how un-excited I get about mostly-CGI remakes...isn't that horrible of me

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I did this exercise once before (the pink-ish image below) and I have the itch do another! The idea is to learn more about appealing lighting through imitation. As artists, we all [should] have an inspiration folder of other artists and artwork that we look up to. So this exercise is about picking an image with impressive lighitng, analyze it, and recreate it. 

Many members of the CGC Blender Community have participated in the challenge thread about the same topic. Take a look at the examples there and join us for the stream!


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