Learn the basic concepts of game logic by using visual scripting with Bolt. Bolt is a visual scripting asset for use in Unity. We will dive into common topics from the Game Programming Bootcamp and discuss how we can replicate similar mechanics using visual scripting. If you're brand new to game development or you're looking for an easier way to bring your game ideas to life then this is the live stream to watch!
I am not certain how useful this will be to me, I am a programmer now and want to move into the more graphical side haha. That said perhaps this stuff will be fun for quick VR prototypes. That stuff is still tantalizing to me :)
But to each his/her own.
I don't see the point in putting something away if I know I'm going to use it later.
I'm a rather organized chaos person.
Hey Jonathan and Jere and Miranda and Silentheart! \o/
Hi JW!
Hi Jan-Willem
Hello, glad you could make it!