Learn the basic concepts of game logic by using visual scripting with Bolt. Bolt is a visual scripting asset for use in Unity. We will dive into common topics from the Game Programming Bootcamp and discuss how we can replicate similar mechanics using visual scripting. If you're brand new to game development or you're looking for an easier way to bring your game ideas to life then this is the live stream to watch!
It's in the battery cabinet of course silent lol
I'll have to do the bounce test.
Are they good or dead?
is a good way to the the dimensions, and play with the design, not meant for render tough
Well, then you get to the point where you forget why you have batteries lol
Oh lol Darren :D yeah then you need those all day long!
Oh that's smart N!
batteries... cant escape em, thats my day job lol
well a little tip, I use blender to design the furniture, so I can have the wood dimensions, a good desk deep is around 60 to 70 cm, a easy way is to use plywood and buy it cut to the dimensions then to assemble
You don't need those every day :-p