In honor of the spookiest month, each week in October I'm going to be hopping on a stream to sculpt a goblin character with Blender. The little guy was designed by our very own Mr. Tim Von Rueden!
Come hang out. Learn some character modeling tricks-o-the-trade. Bring your questions about Blender, modeling, sculpting, CGC, art, movies, music - whatever - and let's have some Halloween-themed fun.
CC Music Attribution
What is the benefit of using the skin modifier, vs just modeling the body like you did the candy?
haha thanks Dominic haha.
happy birthday afterwards =)
Here we don't celebrate Halloween :) But yesterday was my Birthday so give me a shout out! HAAH
turn off x simmetry
Maybe setting the root to the hips will help.
Oh you're xeroxing this?
Cute little goblin, and at the same time terrifying :0
Great artwork!
Hey all